
Japanese Birth Rate Down Due To The Fact They’re Not Having Sex!

Japan’s birth rate is in decline, and a recent survey has shed light on the underlying issue. According to the Japan Family Planning Association, a staggering 39.7% of Japanese citizens between the ages of 16 and 49 have not had sex in over a month, representing a 5% increase from two years ago. Even among married couples, the rate is only slightly lower at 34.6%. These findings are cause for concern, as they have a direct impact on the country’s birth rate, which hit a record low of 1.26 births per woman in 2005. The government must urgently address this issue to prevent potential tax revenue shortfalls and labor shortages.

Dr. Kunio Kitamura, the director of the family planning association, expressed the seriousness of the situation, stating, “This is very bad news for the country’s birth rate, and something the government needs to look into urgently.” The survey also revealed that a month-long period of abstinence is likely to extend to a year, according to Kitamura’s research.

The reasons behind this decline in sexual activity are multifaceted. One factor is the high level of stress from busy working lives, which leaves little time or energy for intimate relationships. Another contributing factor is the decline in physical communication skills within an increasingly web-based society.

The survey was conducted by distributing survey forms to 2,713 randomly selected individuals, receiving responses from 636 men and 773 women in November 2006. While no margin of error was provided, a similar poll two years prior reported that 35% of respondents had gone a month without sex.

The lack of sexual satisfaction among Japanese citizens is further highlighted by various polls. A study conducted by the University of Chicago ranked Japan last out of 29 countries in terms of sexual satisfaction, with only 25.7% expressing satisfaction in bed. Additionally, a 2005 poll by condom manufacturer Durex placed Japan at the bottom among 41 countries, with people having sex on average only 45 times a year compared to the global average of 103.

Addressing and rectifying the issues surrounding Japan’s declining birth rate is of utmost importance to ensure a prosperous future for the country.

Countries with the Highest Birth Rates in the World
Rank Country Birth rate(births/1,000 population)
1 Niger 48.91
2 Uganda 47.45
3 Mali 47.29
4 Afghanistan 47.27
5 Chad 46.50
Countries with the Lowest Birth Rates in the World
Rank Country Birth rate(births/1,000 population)
1 Hong Kong 7.3
2 Macau 8.04
3 Germany 8.33
4 Lithuania 8.62
5 Austria 8.81

Canada is 10.84 births per 1000 people and the U.S. is 14.14 tied with Martinique. The Nigerian men need to bring their techniques to Austria. They are doing something right again and again and again…


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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