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Rachel Weisz Controversy: Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant

Rachel Weisz, the well-known actress and recent mother, has sparked a heated debate by stating that it is acceptable for pregnant women to drink alcohol. In an interview while promoting her latest movie, she argued that having a glass of wine after the first three months of pregnancy is “fine”, citing that it is a common practice in Europe.

However, medical experts were quick to criticize her comments. They called them “ill-informed” and “dangerous”, emphasizing the potential risks associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Research has shown that even small amounts of alcohol can lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, causing learning difficulties, poor coordination, and attention deficit disorder in babies.

While the UK currently allows pregnant women to consume one or two units of alcohol per week, the United States and Canada recommend complete abstinence. The UK government is currently reviewing these guidelines due to the concerns raised by experts.

Dr. Raja Mukherjee, a specialist in fetal alcohol syndrome, expressed that any positive outcome for a baby whose mother drank during pregnancy is merely luck. The risks associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy apply to everyone, but it is impossible to predict who is more susceptible. Therefore, the safest approach is to avoid alcohol entirely.

Sharon Fleisher, founder of the National Organization of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, strongly criticized Weisz’s statement. She explained that fetal damage can occur throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy and highlighted the importance of expert advice when discussing such topics to avoid misinformation.

It is essential to note that Rachel Weisz’s comments were made without expertise and awareness of the complete effects alcohol can have on an unborn child. Additionally, the claim that Europe allows drinking during pregnancy was debunked, as France has started requiring warning labels on alcohol products since October 2007.

The concerns surrounding fetal alcohol syndrome primarily arise when affected children start school and experience difficulties compared to their peers. However, every child’s situation is unique, making it challenging to determine who may be affected.

In conclusion, while the Royal College of Midwives does not advocate for complete abstinence, they emphasize that individual choices should be made based on personal circumstances. The Department of Health recommends one or two units of alcohol once or twice a week at any stage of pregnancy, even when trying to conceive.

The conflicting viewpoints on alcohol consumption during pregnancy can confuse expectant mothers who want to do what is best for their child. The March of Dimes warns that alcohol easily passes from the mother to the developing baby, leading to potential lifelong damage. Therefore, it is crucial to approach this topic with caution and rely on expert advice.


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • Rachel only said a glass of wine, not a bottle of vodka. Pregnant women do drink wine on occasion.

    The whole thing is being blown way way way out of proportion.

  • At the end of the article I had said that I hoped that this was one of those times when a stars comments were taken out of context.

    Sometimes on a slow news day media need something to rant about.

    It was a good oppurtunity to post more information on drinking while pregnant though.

  • Give me a brake,and give her a brake!!Pregnant women at some point are not going to be able to leave the house or drive a car or clean a bathroom or eat anything but organic……<i come from a FAMILY OF 9, and have38 nieces and nephews,I have been around baby’s & pregnancy my whole life,with all my kids I would have a(1) glass of
    Champagne every Saturday for the last 3 months,not only are they perfect they are all highly gifted,in school.stop scaring these poor young girls to death the stress they have over a glass of wine is way more damaging in my eyes!

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