Celebrity Babies

Sean Preston Federline Worst Dressed Baby?

I feel so bad for this little guy. Over the last few months his mom has been tarred and feathered over her less than stellar parental skills. Now US Weekly is reporting that Esquire Magazine is naming him “Worst Dressed Man of the Year”.

Britney Spears with son Sean Preston

The magazine(Esquire) says that “being the offspring of a hyper fertile backup dancer and prematurely wilted flower is no excuse, but being 12 months almost is…As soon as you gain some dexterity, straighten out your hat.”

This is awful. The poor kid is not even able to walk yet and some high powered magazine is all over him. He is a BABY. She dresses him in baby clothes. The hat thing needs to be addressed, but overall I think he usually looks more put together than she does. Let’s face it, the kid is cute and happy. That’s all that should matter. Esquire should be ashamed of themselves.

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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