Parenting Unusual Baby Stories

Mom Cuddles Tiny Baby ‘Back To Life’

An Australian mom who was told her baby had passed is speaking out about how she brought him back to life by cuddling him skin to skin.

Kate and David Ogg with their son Jamie in hospital

When Jamie and Emily Ogg arrived on March 25 at 27 weeks gestation doctors gave little Jamie no chance of survival even though he weighed just over 2 lbs.

His twin sister Emily had survived but Jamie was declared dead by the doctor who delivered him after 20 minutes battling to get him to breathe.

He was handed to his mother Kate so she and her partner David could grieve and say her goodbyes.

The new mom placed him on her chest and after two hours of being spoken to, touched cuddled and held by his mum he began showing signs of life.

Kate and David Ogg with their son Jamie in hospital

Kate spoke about the night to an Australian talk show yesterday saying,

‘He wasn’t moving at all and we just started talking to him. We told him what his name was and that he had a sister.

‘We told him the things we wanted to do with him throughout his life.’

Jamie occasionally gasped for air, which doctors said was a reflex action.

She added: ‘After just five minutes I felt him move as if he were startled, then he started gasping more and more regularly.

‘I thought, “Oh my God, what’s going on?” A short time later he opened his eyes. It was a miracle.
‘I told my mum, who was there, that he was still alive. Then he held out his hand and grabbed my finger.

‘He opened his eyes and moved his head from side to side.’

‘I gave Jamie some breast milk on my finger, he took it and started regular breathing.

‘At that point the doctor came back. He got a stethoscope, listened to Jamie’s chest and just kept shaking his head.

‘He said, “I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it”.’

Kangaroo care, which is what the mom did, is one of the most significant ways to bond with a premature baby.  The warmth of the moms body paired with the soothing sounds of her heartbeat have been know to reduce anxiety, regulate breathing and help babies grow faster.  In this case Kate’s body acted link an incubator to keep the baby warm, which stabilized his heart rate and helped him to breathe.

Kate and son Jamie

Now the tiny baby is home from the hospital and doing well. The doctor who looked after the baby refused to be interviewed by the TV show.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • This news story has been blacklisted from Australian news outlets, can’t find anything out about it or THE HOSPITAL?!?! Must be afraid of the bad press and litigation?? I am amazed it even got on TV here, never heard of this story. Just last week it was in the news of an incident that happened back in June at St George Hospital in Kogarah, where the Anesthesiologist gave the pregnant mother ANTISEPTIC injection in the spine, instead of ANESTHETIC !! Now she is paralysed.

  • If a photo agency hadn’t screen capped this then online media wouldn’t have picked it up.

    Last night when I found the pictures I searched Kate Ogg’s name and found nothing on google or yahoo, something I thought was weird as she had just been on television telling her amazing story.

    It is possible that the Australian media isn’t covering this because it could cause other parents who had preemies at this hospital to come forward wondering if more could have been done for their babies.

    PLUS babies born at 27 weeks weighing over 2lbs have very high chances of survival. Some can even breathe on their own at birth.

  • This story is ahhhmazing, I am so proud to be a mommy and this mother is such an inspiration to all. Good Job. Praise God.

  • The story brought tears to my eyes too. It certainly shows how important a mother’s close touch, contact and voice are for a newborn and especially for a very tiny preemie. Please don’ give up – parents or doctors. What a happy end….

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