
Mom Gives Birth In Lowes Parking Lot

As we’ve learned over the years, babies have their own timing and they will arrive when they’re ready. For one baby that was the parking lot of the Lowes.

Daisy Musser and her husband Kris were en route to the hospital on a Thursday night, anticipating the arrival of their baby boy as Daisy experienced contractions. Little did they know, their journey would take an unexpected turn.

DAISY AND KRIS Musser with their new baby


“The labor felt manageable until we reached Walmart, just a stone’s throw from Lowe’s. That’s when I knew the baby was on his way,” shared Daisy.

Moving quickly, Kris pulled the car into Lowe’s parking lot, rushing to Daisy’s side while dialing 911 for assistance.

“It felt like mere moments after I ended the call with 911 when our son entered the world, right there in the parking lot,” Kris recalled.

But while delivering the baby in the car seemed like the easy part, Kris soon realized they needed further assistance after the birth.

“Our son arrived naturally, without complications, but it was after his birth that I realized we needed help,” Kris explained.

Daisy Musser with her new baby


Shortly after, their baby boy began to show signs of distress, his color fading. It was then that Galax Police Officer Michael Tozollo arrived and took over.

“He hurried to his car, fetched a blanket, and gently wrapped our son. It was a moment of relief,” Kris recounted gratefully.

With Officer Tozollo’s assistance and the arrival of more officers and rescue team members, Kris and Daisy felt reassured that their son was in good hands.

Kris Musser with first responders


Reflecting on the experience, Kris expressed gratitude towards the first responders who ensured their baby’s safety.

“These first responders are real-life heroes. They could have chosen to ignore the call, especially in the middle of the night, but they didn’t hesitate to help,” Kris expressed.

Baby Musser shortly after birth


As they cherish their healthy baby boy, Kris and Daisy are also excited to share the story of his birth with him as he grows up.

“This will be a tale we’ll carry with us forever, and one he’ll proudly share with others as he grows,” Kris smiled, looking forward to the memories they’ll create together.

This little guy’s arrival comes just a few days after baby Penelope was born on the Patio of a seafood restaurant in Michigan.

More Childbirth Stories:


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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