Multiple Births

Jon and Kate Renew Their Vows In Hawaii

With TLC crew in tow, the Gosselins head to Maui as they renewed their wedding vows. Maybe it’s the season finale?


The kids look so cute in their beach wear with the girls wearing flowers in their hair!

The NY Post also reveals that Kate has a book coming out called “Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets” which she co-wrote with Aunt Beth.   According to the description, the busy mom will share

details such as how they chose names; the sextuplets’ birth day of May 10, 2004; and the babies’ weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit are fascinating, as are stories of running a household that was perpetually full of volunteers, looked like “baby base camp” and required carefully sequenced nightly bath time. The Gosselins’ life is a whirlwind, with their book reflecting the fast-paced, faith-filled approach they take to raising their twins and their miracle sextuplets

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!



  • I disagree with almost all of you. Kate is not turning into a diva, she is a great mom and does what is necessary to keep her house and kids in order. In the first episodes of the show, when it was called ‘surviving sextuplets and twins’ it was obvious that they didn’t have much money. I’m sure Kate doesn’t enjoy being followed everywhere by cameras and having her house packed full with a camera crew a few days a week but she puts up with it for her kids. She is not doing the show to publicize her kids she is doing it so herself and her husband can have a decent amount of money so her and her husband can raise their children the way families with fewer children would be raised. I love the show Jon & Kate plus 8 and I think that if some of you were put in Jon & Kate’s position you would probably be doing the same thing. Kate is the ultimate super-mom and deserves everything she gets.

  • Other couples have had multiple births and have not offered the kids up for profit. It just feels so wrong to me to take away a childhood for the sake of money. I have watched this show from time to time and I can’t say I’m impressed with the parenting skills shown by either parent. There seems to be alot of heavy-handedness by the parents. Also why does one child have to sleep in the basement..alone. The little girl who is one of the six seems to be singled out more than the others. Often times in a disfunctional family you will find one child used the “black sheep”, the one who is not accepted. Sad to see this happening on a nationally watched TV show. I wonder how long this show will be allowed to continue before perhaps the authorities step intervene.

  • I agree with all those who think that Jon and Kate is getting a little too annoying for its own sake.They eat organic all the time.Me can`t do it even with just 1 kid.I also don`t like how they dump their kids with aunt or their very good friend Beth (God bless them) for taking care of that brat Maddy.I sometimes have noticed their attitude towards Joel to be a little sarcastic.And does Jon even work or are they just happy with doing just the show?Hey who would work if they get 65k per episode

  • Those of you who think Jon & Kate are ‘selling’ their children must forget they don’t know any other life. The cameras have always been there so that is normal to them. I think it’s great that Kate worked as long as she could and that Jon and Kate always watched the kids themselves rather than sticking them in day care. With multiples, it is hard to get one-on-one time with each kid so I send only encouragement their way as they try to give each kid what each needs without taking away from the others.

    And those of you who think Jon should just wake up obviously don’t value marriage. If you are looking for someone perfect to marry, you’ll be single forever. Sometimes there are phases in marriage where one gives more than the other. But in the end, we only answer to God and as long as He is happy with you, no one else’s opinion matters.

    I love the show!

  • Yes…Kate used to be my idol! Key words: USED TO BE!
    I know for a fact that she is acting soooo DIVA these days. And its getting pretty hard to hide. No amount of editing can hide her bitchy attitude…or else there would be no airtime left for Kate. Hahaha!
    I dont know why they try to portray that they are hard up or struggling. I always watch the show “Kids By the Dozen” and those families are way MORE real. I dont even know why the Gosselins are getting too much hype. It’s just becoming too painful to watch them now…its like they’re trying too hard to keep the viewers interested. I love the first season…..the current season is just annoying. Kate is now officially…IRRITATING!!!

  • Crazy, it’s just a stupid tv show. You guys need to research what you let your little ones see. There’s a lot behind the scenes you don’t know about. Anyway, I think they are going to cancel them anyway in September. Too bad it had some possibility. Now it’s just a huge product placement ad.

  • BTW Charlies Mom,
    I know Aunt Jodi personally and no she is NOT involved in their life anymore. Also the whole family isn’t either. Please do your research before posting inaccurate information. Jon does not work for Bob Carson either, he is working from home. Bob and Beth do not talk to the Gosselins anymore. Please recheck your facts.

  • BTW Charlies Mom,
    I know Aunt Jodi personally and no she is NOT involved in their life anymore. Also the whole family isn’t either. Please do your research before posting inaccurate information. Jon does not work for Bob Carson either, he is working from home. Bob and Beth do not talk to the Gosselins anymore. Please recheck your facts.

    scribbles! Anyone can say they know someone…but, you are just another poster here! You’re going to have to say more than “I know Jodi personally”! Try again!!

  • I agree, I watch Kids by the Dozen and those familys have 12-13 kids or more and no one give them free trips to all sorts of places! they budget, grow there own food, the kids work hard, and gee what about that other family The Duggars??? 18 kids! SHE deserves a medal!!! Kate is becoming a diva, rude to her husband…they get all kinds of free stuff. She needs to get over herself! I don’t like the show as much and haven’t watched in a long time.

  • I used to watch them all of the time but cannot stand the lies anymmore as someone else who lives in Pennsylvania and is now realizing the truth. I am so embarrassed that they call themselves Christians. Christians show love and give back. They are truly an embarrassment to all Christians and I am sure to their families for their behavior. I also feel bad for all who have been so good to them who they have just used and then threw away. Kate and Jon are without shame.

  • If you don’t like Jon and Kate plus 8 then don’t watch it!Jon and Kate does the best they can.If you had 8 kids you would be the same way.This is a reality show.They don’t edit it to make the family look perfect.Every family has a different way of rasing their kids.:P I love the show and hopes it continues for a while.

  • The family does give.On the last episode the family went to the Hershey Hospital were the sextuplets were born and the Ronald Mcdonald house.When they was leaving Kate made a donation to them.There has been other episodes where they give to diffrent places.

  • This is ridiculous! You people have no idea what it is like to have two sets of multiples! Everyone is talking about how Kate is such a diva, but if that is what you think, why do you bother watching the show? She might have an attitude because she has eight children under the age of 10. I think you would have a little ‘tude too. Get over yourselves and get a life. Your not perfect either. How would you feel if you put your whole life on television for the world to see and nasty people wrote awful comments about you. GET A GRIP

  • I think Kate is a normal mom reacting like a normal mom would. I think everyone needs to get off their judgemental bandwagon until they have 8 kids of their own to raise, then they might have an opinion that is worth listening to. I love the show please keep airing it, she gives great organizational ideas to ordinary people. Keep it up Kate and you go Jon!!!!

  • I think it is strange someone would renew their vows on a reality TV show. It seems to trivialize the whole event. Sort of turns it into a circus and makes it seem like a publicity stunt. Hmmmmm…publicity, surly this is not something this couple is seeking.

    On a different note, how can someone say this is a normal couple? Nither work a paying job, unless you count the reality TV show. I really do not know of any other young couples where neither half is not working. What kind of role model will the children see in terms of work ethic? They don’t have one. They won’t know what it means to wake up every day and work hard/think hard to earn money. They will think they just have to walk around, look good and scan for freebies.

  • The renewing of their wedding vows was aired because it is REALITY SHOW.Jon does work for Bob Carson (a friend of the family)and Kate did work as a nurse.She said in one of the pasts episodes that she will go back to work when the sextuplets start kindergarden.Not every thing they get is free.

  • Okay. I’m the first “Lauren” here. The other “Lauren” and I have vastly different viewpoints.

    Thanks, Jen. *taking a bow*

    Moon! I was just saying this the other day! Why would you let someone use your vow renewals as fodder for a reality show? Classless. If they wanted to convince THIS viewer that they are sincere in renewing their vows, then they should have saved just a photo album for their “fans” to ooh and ahhh over. (I stand by my first comment: They’ll certainly need to rewrite those vows. Things have, ahem, apparently changed.)

    And yes. I watch the show. I don’t owe anyone an explanation. However, I watch it to see the twists and turns in their “truths.” It’s a sociological experiment, if you will. And I don’t need to change the channel.

    The kids are cute, but so are most kids. They certainly aren’t the cutest kids I’ve seen on television, or for that matter, the cutest kids I’ve seen ever.

    But I can watch the show if I want to. And I can comment. So there.


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