
Jon and Kate Plus 8

I write a lot about mega multiples on this site because they are rare, but interesting.  I have recently started watching Jon and Kate Gosselin’s show on TLC called ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’.

on and Kate Gosselin with their kids 2007
The popular network follows the family through their everyday life of chaos as they try keep peace and control in their home.

The couple has a set of twins and a set of sextuplets, all born by fertility treatments.

Kate delivered the sextuplets on May 10th, 2004. The babies arrived at 30 weeks gestation weighing between 2.5lbs and 3lbs. At birth all babies need to be on ventilators.

With each episode that I watch, I am utterly amazed at Kate’s ability to keep her household under control.

She prepares all of the families meals from scratch and tries to use as much organic food as possible.

The couple estimates that monthly grocery bills only run them approximately $150/week with their monthly bill sitting between $600-$800.

Each baby has their own crib, but they all share a room. Instead of having big bulky highchairs the couple has opted to use wooden restaurant type model that can be stacked on top of each other when not in use.

When the subject of mega multiples comes up, most people argue that it is virtually impossible for each child to feel special in a home with so many kids.

Jon and Kate do many things to give each child an identity and let them all know they are special. Last year for their 2nd birthday, friends and family sang happy birthday 6 times so that each child could have their own birthday song.

This show is reality TV without the backstabbing, scandal and shocking surprises. Kate Gosselin is Betty Crocker,Martha Stewart and the mom next door all wrapped up in one.

They don’t believe in keeping up with the Jones’, they just want what’s best for their kids.

For parents who think that their life is chaotic, watch this show. It will put everything in perspective. This mom NEVER stops.

The show airs at 10:00 tonight on Discovery (US) and Monday nights at 10:00 on TLC in Canada.

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • Hey Gosselins Family!

    Im just wondering, do you know up to what age you are going to continue the show??? I would love to see it all the way through there teen years as well. I just wish they would show the episodes during the day and not at 10:00pm or later :O(

  • I was just wondering if anyone ever figured out where Jon bought Kate’s tote on Valetine’s day. I have been doing alot of research trying to figure out what brand it is or where it came from but I am not coming out successful. I was just trying to see if anyone has been successful.

  • Patty Cushman,
    you are obviously not a avid watcher of the show!

    kate has gone to the spa a few times, but dont you think she deserves it, you try holding 6 babies in you at once.

    and as far as her treating john like s***…so not true, u can tell the love they have for eachother~ ya they bicker but all married couples do, and if you watched any of the episodes they will explain that bickering to you! and john doesnt have a problem yelling back!

    <3Gosselin fan

  • i adore this show and all that this family stands for and has grown to be. I watch every week, and as I am not a mother yet, I would be grateful to have an ounce of Kate’s organizational skills. She gives great advice, and I always learn something new from watching episodes. The dynamics of the family are wonderful, and I love how they try to promote individuality among all eight kids, and make it a point to achieve quality time with each child. I have seen families of 10+ and kids always seemed to get “lost” in all the chaos, and it was sad to me because they never seemed to be heard. Jon and Kate work very hard to never let that happen and i think they are doing a WONDERFUL job:)

  • I am a college student and absolutely love watching this show! Besides being entertaining, it is so interesting to see a family’s day to day adventures without a phony “script” added (like most reality television shows). I love Kate and Jon and find them hilarious! By the way, Jodie really deserves more credit, she does soo much for those kids!! Hopefully Kate and Jon treat her to a nice meal or something in return for her work.

  • I am a mom of 3 children 14,16, and 6 and I live in Michigan.
    I really enjoy watching John and Kate every chance I get it is a wounderful show to watch.
    I think John and Kate do an awesome with all 8 of there kids and the love they show is remarkable.I think all of the kids are adorable and fun to watch. I tip my hat to John and Kate for having the courage to give birth to all 6 babies.
    Great job I will continue to watch your show keep up the good work and love your kids everyday.

  • What a beautiful, functional family! They are both remarkable parents! As a teacher for some 14 years and having worked with so many children raised by a wide variety of parenting styles, this family is, by far, an example of exemplary parenting.

  • Hello Kate and Jon and entire bunch, you have the most beautiful family. You both are very amazing parents. Allthough my kids are teens and I have 4 and yes they are teens and as they get bigger their problems also get bigger, so in saying that I wish you the best of luck with that. May god bless each and every one of you. Thank you for taking the time and reading this!!! I really enjoy your show!

    Thank you,

    Crystal DeJarnette

  • I love the show. I think that it is great that they make a special day for each of the children.You can see how special they feel on their day. When I am cleaning poop out of the crib at 2 in the morning, or dealing witht things that I think are hard or never going to get done, I think of their family. It really gives me inspiration and patience. I have raised my daughter (1 year old) on an organized routine and it has been great, and i plann to raise my next (due in december). It can be a MAJOR problem when you try to go somewhere new for an extended period of time where the routine might now work. When people criticize her for being organized and having the kids on routine, its what works for her family but might not work for others. i could not imagine having cameras in my face all day long! You would definatly see me slap my husband a few times!

  • I’ve been watching your show since it first started. What beautiful children you both have. I can’t even begin to imagine the daily frustration along with the rewards that goes into raising 8 young children. I only have one complaint. Kate, please, please, please,stop belittling Jon the way you do. He seems like a great guy who really loves you and the kids. I’m sure their are many women out their who would love a fraction of a husband/father that Jon seems to be. I’ll continue to watch, but I cringe at the way you treat him. God bless!!

  • I absolutely love this show and watch it religiously! Kate has such good morals and I love how she teaches them to the children (who are all adorable!) While she is controlling, I know she doesn’t do it to be mean; it’s just her personality. My mom’s the exact same way and why it does get annoying, I don’t resent her for it and know her children won’t either. They’re all so well behaved, and her and Jon always make up after she (or he) does something the other doesn’t like. The fact that they can make their marriage work and are successfully raising eight children is just amazing. I wish the best for all of them 😀

  • I believe the purse Kate got from Jon was a Chanel bag (saw posted on another site) but I still can’t find it. Please post here if you are able to find it. Awesome tote!

  • We love this show! All of my kids love to watch every Monday and any reruns that happen to be on! They are a REAL family…with kids that are angelic one moment and cranky the next…with parents that sometimes bicker and disagree…but there is nothing but love as the base of it all!! It drives me crazy to read all of these “hate” posts regarding Kate, though. She is not a she-devil, ya’ll. She’s just a normal person like everyone else. She’s gonna bicker with her husband, sometimes he’ll yell back, sometimes he won’t. Sometimes he’ll deserve it, sometimes he won’t. Let he who is without sin cast the fist stone. Lord, I’ve knows I’ve been grouchy and snapped at my DH at times! What matters is they love each other. Give her a break people!

  • Hello there guys I just thought that I would write to let you all know that I have a 3 yr old litle boy that just loves your show! Its one of the few shows that he gets to see, he loves the girls so much when the show is on he calls them his girls. I also have 3 girls that also love the show like I said or should say its the one time we get quiet time. So just thought we would let you all know how much we love you guys

  • Every monday night I watch your show with my three little girls whos ages are 6,5 and 3. My five year thinks it is the best show ever and thinks that it is extra special that your six babies have the same birthday! I love to watch the special things you do with your children on everyday basis. The episodes when the kids all got to have a day alone with Kate and/or Jon was awesome. I only have three and sometimes it is hard to get time to spend individual time with them. That was really a fantastic thing to do. My girls ask to watch your show every monday and they can tell them all apart!! We feel like we have really gotten to know you and your children and you are wonderful people!!

  • OMG! I am a huge fan of your show.I think all your kids are just the cutiest Alexies is just a bundle of joy. I have a 1 year old as well. Just when i think things are hard i see your show and i relize it could be harder. I think you and John are great parents and i love the advice you give. Me only being 17 i do need alot of help raising mine. I love your idea on organic i have just started feeding my daughter the same thing.I hope you have time to e-mail back if not i tottaly understand. you and john are really nice for allowing everyone to be able to see your personal life.You and john are really a great couple and i wish the best luck to you both. Well me and my boyfriend love your show and we hope you keep playing it.

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