
Jon and Kate Plus 8

I write a lot about mega multiples on this site because they are rare, but interesting.  I have recently started watching Jon and Kate Gosselin’s show on TLC called ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’.

on and Kate Gosselin with their kids 2007
The popular network follows the family through their everyday life of chaos as they try keep peace and control in their home.

The couple has a set of twins and a set of sextuplets, all born by fertility treatments.

Kate delivered the sextuplets on May 10th, 2004. The babies arrived at 30 weeks gestation weighing between 2.5lbs and 3lbs. At birth all babies need to be on ventilators.

With each episode that I watch, I am utterly amazed at Kate’s ability to keep her household under control.

She prepares all of the families meals from scratch and tries to use as much organic food as possible.

The couple estimates that monthly grocery bills only run them approximately $150/week with their monthly bill sitting between $600-$800.

Each baby has their own crib, but they all share a room. Instead of having big bulky highchairs the couple has opted to use wooden restaurant type model that can be stacked on top of each other when not in use.

When the subject of mega multiples comes up, most people argue that it is virtually impossible for each child to feel special in a home with so many kids.

Jon and Kate do many things to give each child an identity and let them all know they are special. Last year for their 2nd birthday, friends and family sang happy birthday 6 times so that each child could have their own birthday song.

This show is reality TV without the backstabbing, scandal and shocking surprises. Kate Gosselin is Betty Crocker,Martha Stewart and the mom next door all wrapped up in one.

They don’t believe in keeping up with the Jones’, they just want what’s best for their kids.

For parents who think that their life is chaotic, watch this show. It will put everything in perspective. This mom NEVER stops.

The show airs at 10:00 tonight on Discovery (US) and Monday nights at 10:00 on TLC in Canada.

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • dear Jon and Kate,I love your show!!!My brother is 19.I watch your show with my mommy.What’s you fave t.v show?Will you get a dog some year?LOVE bailey h a 9 year old girl in 3rd grade.

  • Dear Jon and Kate
    Thanks for reading this. I am 14 years old and watch your show as often as I can. Kate you said you want a small fluffy dog and Jon doesn’t,You guys sound like my mom and dad on that topic. I personly perfer bigger dogs while my mom doesn’t.If you do get a dog it might help to look online for the right breed. It’s only 17 days till Christmas!! A good present for the kids might be a fish or something small.
    Have a merry Christmas and A happy New Year!!
    Sincerealy Kazia

    P.S I love the kids they are so cute^_^

  • Oh I can’t find your e-mail and I don’t want to put mine online. If you could relocate it or have said some time on air that would be the best.

  • hey john and kate and kids i love yr show becuz i love kids im only 15 but i take care of kids all the time and i also have a kid of mine own and shes 2

  • I just love your show in love each in every one of the kids.Just hang in there in keep up the good work that you both do, god in in your prays,love you.

  • I am all about the Gosselins! I have their book and DVD’s. I have also created a colauge on my wall of the kids. I try really hard not to pick a favorite, but they are so cute and I have to say that I love Joel Kevin! He is the baby of the ei8ht and so adorably cute! I know so mmuch about them even their birth order and middle names (except Jon and Kate’s middle names). Here it goes: KATE GOSSELIN, JONATHAN GOSSELIN, CARA NICOLE GOSSELIN, MADELYN “MADY” KATE GOSSELIN, ALEXIS FAITH GOSSELIN, HANNAH JOY GOSSELIN, AADEN JONATHAN GOSSELIN, COLLIN THOMAS GOSSELIN, LEAH HOPE GOSSELIN, AND JOEL KEVIN GOSSELIN. I also know that Kate had to go through infertility to get pregnant because she has polycistic ovary syndrome (no clue what that means)! Well, time to go and watch the new episode I had recorded! Merry Christmas Gosselin Family and a very Happy New Year!

  • To Cheryl in California: Kate has said on one episode that the kids do have grandparents, but they aren’t apart of their everyday life. They want to know they can do this without the help from a mother or father. She also said that unlike other people with multiples they don’t have their kids grandparents living right around the corner helping them with everything that comes up in their life. I mean some of their grandparents live in Maui, Hawaii!

  • Where is Beth Carason lately? I see her in reruns, and I do not recall in the current season that Beth and Bob have ben on, as well as I have not seen their children. I t seems like Kate was using the oldest daughterr to babysit and clean for Kate. I know from early on, John&
    and Kate were always doing something with Beth & Bob as well as always going to church with them on Sunday , and there after, there was usually a funny story Kate and John would discuss after the Sunday their familys’ were together.
    Any ideas? The only things that I can think of is Beth may be out promoting their first book, they wrote together.
    It just seens they were so close and the twins were so close to the daughter, and also, everyone loved Beth?

  • I really love this show… I think Kate i the best mother ever… N John is a good father…. I love the fact that event though they have a lot o small children they still find time to do the things that a normal size family would do.. i just love them all… 🙂

  • Hi,my name is Sydney and I LOVE your show Jon and Kate + 8!!!Out of all of the shows I watch yours is my favorite. And I’m not just saying that I really mean it.
    Well anyway I’m almost 10. I try to watch your show but ican ony watch T.V on the weekends. Do your kids wath there T.V show that they are on???? I got your book and DVD for Christmas and I’ve watched every episode on it 1-29. Speeking of Christmas, how was yours? Ibet your 8 kids were realy looking forward to christmas.I don’t have a favorite of your kids they are all so cute!! Your book is really good. All of the photo’s in the back are really good and funny pictures. I’ve watched your show for about a year now. Cara is a bit like me.She is everyone’s friend that comes in your door and i’m a llite like that. I really like your show.
    GOD BLESS!!!!

  • my friend love yall she has ur book she 9 years old her mom and dad would not let her get the book but her grandma went and got it for her

  • Hi again have everyone seen the cruel things people are saying???? I mean i’m almost 10 and think this is so mean. Jon and Kate also TLC please don’t take the show off th air!!!! You have so many fans and that would make au very upset! I’ve already cried a couple of times when i read the measseages!! GOD BLESS!!!!

  • Hey Jon Kate Joel Cara Mady alexis aaden collin hannah leah. I love your show I really want to meet you guys so look me up in a phone book and call

  • Cheryl~~~Yes there are grandparents, but Kate has shoved them out of their lives, because they didn’t know ‘how to help’ and those are Kate’s own words. Her dad is a preacher and he tried to take up donations from his people at church and Kate didn’t like the donations because they were not matching items, so she told him to go back and ask for money instead and he wouldn’t do it, so she fot mad and has been mad ever since. Kate is also mad at Aunt Jodie and Beth. Who knows???

  • leah, joal, maddy, cara, lilly, madlen and 2 more. how would jon and kate could get care of 8 kids? if kate and jon wanted to get bussy then the kids can go outside.

  • Hi Jon,Kate and family i love watching the show Kate your so funny to watch cause one little thing goes wrong you freck out your a beiatful spelled wrong sorry lady and Jon isnt so bad the kids r cute I only have 2 and somedays I cant take it your doing a good job dont worry about what others say about your big family god gave you them for a reason so enjoy them they grow up fast my son daniel is going to be 12 on the 23rd time goes be so fast good luck in everything you do and kate I saw your belly before you had the tummy tuck I have the same thing your lucking that doctor took you in and gave you the tummy tuck you look good hopefully someday itll be my turn anyways i have to go im also a nurse take care tell everyone hi

    Daniel Courtney

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