Multiple Births

Jon and Kate Renew Their Vows In Hawaii

With TLC crew in tow, the Gosselins head to Maui as they renewed their wedding vows. Maybe it’s the season finale?


The kids look so cute in their beach wear with the girls wearing flowers in their hair!

The NY Post also reveals that Kate has a book coming out called “Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets” which she co-wrote with Aunt Beth.   According to the description, the busy mom will share

details such as how they chose names; the sextuplets’ birth day of May 10, 2004; and the babies’ weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit are fascinating, as are stories of running a household that was perpetually full of volunteers, looked like “baby base camp” and required carefully sequenced nightly bath time. The Gosselins’ life is a whirlwind, with their book reflecting the fast-paced, faith-filled approach they take to raising their twins and their miracle sextuplets

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • I also think Kate is a great Mom and Jon is a great Dad. I really feel sorry for both of them. Kate is the leader no doubt but her kids are great kids and everything is so in order and the kids for the most part are so respectful and they mind really well. It can’t be easy for Jon or Kate. They probably don’t have much time for themselves. I don’t believe Kate had an affair and I do believe she loves Jon very much. But I do believe Jon has or wants to be with someone else. But I also think that this is all new to him and he is going to regret it greatly after a while and it may be too late. My heart breaks for Kate because you can tell she is in so much pain. You can also tell Jon is NOT. He actually said he was excited about this new chapter of his life.
    I pray for them all and I hope they can get back together and be a family again.

  • It’s amazing to think that they renewed their wedding vows a year ago only to file for divorce a year later. Whatever happened to marriage counseling? Is it that easy to throw in the towel with so many small children involved? I’m amazed at how quickly Kate and Jon are giving up on their marriage with little effort to attempt to save it.

  • i am an addict to this show as well i bought all of the dvds and i watch them every day rerun after rerun. i think she is an amazing mom and i look up to her. im 18 as well and now raising a 4 month old, i want to have 4 more kids and will continue to look up to her. im so sick of hearing how poeple dont like them because they get things given to them… so what.. if you guys got things given to you wouldnt you take them too to better your kids lives.. what person in the right mind would turn it down? people are just so jealous

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