
Mom Who Didn’t Know She Was Pregnant Delivers Baby On Her Own

Melissa Judd had neither morning sickness nor leg cramps nor weight gain. She also did not have any idea that she was pregnant until last week when she went to use the bathroom and came out with a baby boy!

baby's feet

The new mom told reporters that neither she or her boyfriend Nate Smith had any idea about the pregnancy because she didn’t show any of the telltale signs.

Instead of gaining weight, she lost 15 to 20 pounds. She also didn’t have any morning sickness or cramps.

“There wasn’t any difference or any changes,” Smith said. “Her mood was not different.”

And yet while the couple was unaware that Melissa was expecting, baby Jackson was growing each day and decided to enter the world in a dramatic way.

Last week while going to the bathroom Melissa realized that she was actually going into labor. Alone at home, she had no choice but to do her delivery on her own.

“I was feeling crampy, so I thought I had to use the bathroom, and well, surprise! I thought I’m here by myself, so I have to do this alone.

Within twenty minutes, she delivered a five-pound nine-ounce baby boy Jackson.

“As soon as he was out, his eyes were open and he was looking around crying. He was purple though, so I was scared to death. I wrapped him in a towel and went to Bradley.”

Keith Bradley is the couple’s neighbor and also an EMA. He was home and was surprised to see Melissa with the child. But wasting no time, paramedics arrived and took the mother and the child to the hospital.

Shocked, Nate received a call from a 911 dispatcher revealing that he had just become a dad.  Even though the news was a surprise Nate said the family is now happily welcoming the new, but sudden changes in their lives.

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About the author


Atula is a writer, traveler, and a nature-lover. She is also mom to a boy who seems to have inherited all her creative genes. When Atula is not busy making up stories with her son, she writes for numerous magazines, websites, and blogs. She is also working on her site on endangered species called

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