
Three-year-old Blogger’s Inspiring Chemotherapy Diary

Samantha Hughes, a three-year-old girl, has captured the hearts of thousands as she battles a rare form of childhood cancer. Her father, Neil, has been chronicling her journey on a blog called “Samantha’s Story,” written in the voice he imagines Samantha would use.

Samantha’s fight began when her parents noticed she had lost her appetite and her belly became swollen. After a series of tests, doctors diagnosed Samantha with neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive form of childhood cancer.

Despite enduring 13 rounds of chemotherapy and surgery, Samantha’s battle is not over. Doctors have warned that if the cancer returns, there will be little hope for her. Samantha remains positive, focusing on living life to the fullest.

While it is common for neuroblastoma to return within a year, further scans would be detrimental to Samantha’s health. Instead, she will undergo urine tests to monitor any signs of cancer.

Samantha’s blog has attracted worldwide attention, with nearly a quarter of a million visitors seeking updates on her progress. Her parents are proud of her spirit and believe her story has raised awareness for the disease.

Although the future is uncertain, Samantha is currently enjoying life and spreading her boundless energy to those around her. Her positive outlook serves as an inspiration to all who follow her journey.

Blogs have become a popular platform for people to share their experiences, and Samantha’s story is a testament to the power of these online diaries.

Please visit her site to read her story in her own


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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