Baby Gear

Tiny Love Introduces Gymini Bouncer

The developmental toy company, Tiny Love, which is best known as the creator of the Gymini, has expanded its award-winning line of innovative baby products to include a bouncer!

Tiny Love Gymini Bouncer w baby

The brightly colored seat features a pair of multiple positionable arches that allow for ease when getting the baby in and out of the seat. Three hanging toys can be moved along the soft arches for different views and play. The additional access brings the parent/caregiver closer to the child for better eye-to-eye and physical bonding.

The seat is soft and cozy and has soothing vibration and an adorable animal fabric. To engage your baby during playtime the Gymini bouncer has activated lights and music with a take-along electronic crab that clips onto the soft arches for both side and front views. With the easy on/easy off feature, the musical crab can be moved to a stroller for all-day use.

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


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