Pregnancy Unusual Baby Stories

Grandmother Has Baby Unexpectantly

When Mandy Davidson started experiencing hot flushes, she attributed them to her age. At 45 years old, and with her two adult children, she assumed it was the onset of menopause. However, a sudden increase in back pain during her lunch break at work prompted her to consider a different possibility.

Just five hours later, to everyone’s shock, Mandy delivered a healthy baby boy named Alfie, weighing 8lb 1oz. Her husband was astounded, exclaiming, “I was nearly floored when I found out. It was an even greater shock when the midwives initially told us it was twins.”

Despite experiencing flushes, back pain, bloating, and slight weight gain, Mandy continued her job as a nursery worker, believing these symptoms were menopause-related. She consulted online sources, which aligned with her assumption and led her to forgo contacting a doctor.

However, when the pain intensified at work last week, Mandy had an alarming realization. “During lunchtime, I told my manager, ‘I think there’s something I need to tell you. I believe I might be pregnant and in labor right now’,” she shared. They rushed to the hospital, and Alfie was born at 6.25pm. Doctors estimated she was 40 weeks along, with Alfie positioned across her body, head down.

Mandy, a dedicated Brownie and Girl Guide leader, noted, “I didn’t appear to gain much weight over the nine months. It turned out I was retaining a lot of water and lost a stone and a half immediately after giving birth.” Alfie proved to be a calm baby, both inside and outside the womb. Mandy felt subtle ripples rather than kicks, but recognized the signs of labor when her backache intensified.

The Davidsons already have two grown children, Victoria, 25, and Phillip, 26, as well as a seven-year-old grandson, Owen. Tragically, they experienced the loss of another child seven years ago at the age of two due to diabetes. Now, they are adjusting to the unplanned return to parenthood.

This situation often sparks confusion. How can someone not realize they’re pregnant? Usually, by the 28-week mark, the baby’s movements are vigorous enough to be noticeable, even pushing objects off the belly. And what about the visible baby bump?

The concerning aspect is that a woman unaware of her pregnancy may unknowingly consume alcohol and neglect prenatal vitamins.


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • This woman is my cousin – you know nothing about her lifestyle, so should be careful in presuming anything about her diet or possible alcohol intake.

  • It was a general comment about any woman who is just living life not knowing that they are pregnant. The majority of the world will drink socially a few times in a nine month period. A good diet is not enough when you are pregnant – that is why we have prenatal vitamins.

    There was nothing personal meant towards your cousin – those were the first two things that came to my head when I read the article.

    We wish them the best and I’m sure the surprise arrival has been exciting news in your family!

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