Multiple Births

Nadya Suleman Fires Nursing Service

According to attorney Jeff Czech, Nadya Suleman has fired a nonprofit group of nurses that helped care for her children, accusing them of spying on her and reporting her to child welfare officials.

Last month an attorney for Angels in Waiting filed a complaint against the mom of 14 with child welfare officials, seeking an investigation into whether the mother could provide a suitable environment for her 14 children.

Nadya later had several confrontations with the nurses, her lawyer said, and the situation grew unbearable Sunday when she came to believe that Angels in Waiting founder Linda West-Conforti was allegedly filing a report against her with child welfare officials.

“It started out adversarial and never really resolved itself,” Czech told The Associated Press. “Nadya felt that she was being judged wrongfully and she didn’t need it. All it did was make a difficult situation worse.”

Angels in Waiting had initially offered to provide around-the-clock care, to be paid for by public donations, but later scaled back its offer to only provide training to Nadya’s nannies.

The nannies will now be trained by nurses from the Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center, where the octuplets were born on Jan. 26. Hospitals provide some training free of charge to new mothers.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

1 Comment

  • The nurses “complaints” to CPS were ridiculous; why didn’t they do something to alert the police to the developing situation when the first babies came home – they were in the house and saw it happening. Then they complain that she bought a jacuzzi instead of installing a security system; the jacuzzi was a replacement for a leaky bathtub in the master bathroom and was donated. Finally they complained that she didn’t spend enough time in the nursery, but remember she had two babies at home and six in the hospital. I would guess some of her time was spent at the hospital. Besides, those nurses were unprofessional and judgemental; ask just about any nurse about the “angels” behavior toward Nadja who was their client.

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